
Tori Fletcher


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Embracing Imperfection: A Light-hearted Manifesto for Women Entrepreneurs



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Founder & Lead Designer at Harper Maven Design. Celebrating 14 years as a successful and happy business owner. 




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Let’s ditch the boring suits and forget about trying to be perfect. Today, we’re diving into the Imperfect Manifesto – a no-nonsense guide to embracing all the little quirks that make you who you are.

Just picture it: you, a total boss, taking on the business world and slaying it with your own unique style and sass. Why bother hiding behind perfectly posed photos and overly polished profiles? Embrace those “flaws”, because they’re what make your journey uniquely yours. Imagine strutting into that boardroom, not giving a care about every hair being in place or the occasional coffee spill on your favorite power blazer. Those little imperfections? They’re like battle scars, proof that you’re out there making things happen.

And here’s the real game-changer: when you boldly embrace your authenticity, it creates a ripple effect. Suddenly, clients and collaborators see you as a genuine, relatable leader. No more pretending to be someone you’re not – just the real deal: a powerhouse with a sense of humor and a heart as big as her dreams. Your quirks aren’t hindrances; they’re your secret weapons, building deeper connections with people who see the real, unfiltered you. So go ahead and let your true self shine – it’s what sets you apart from the rest!

Listen, we all make mistakes. But guess what? Those blunders are actually what helped you become the kick-ass babe you are today. Let’s raise a glass to celebrating those detours, mishaps, and messy moments that shaped your journey. Remember when you were unsure about which direction to take or when making decisions felt like playing roulette? Those weren’t missteps; they were chances for you to prove your resilience and gain valuable experience.

The marketing campaign that fell flat wasn’t a failure; it was an opportunity for you to understand your audience even better. And those partnerships that didn’t work out as planned? They taught you how to trust your gut and make better choices. Every stumble, every hiccup – they weren’t roadblocks; they were stepping stones leading you to becoming the badass entrepreneur you are now.

Oh, and one more thing – stop apologizing so much and downplaying your successes. You’ve worked hard and used your brilliance to get where you are. So let’s cheers to your victories because you deserve every bit of success!

Life is beautifully chaotic – and guess what? That’s perfectly fine. Love your messy bun, those out-of-nowhere laughs, and even that unexpected snort. They’re all part of what makes you special in a world that expects you to be flawless. Your messy bun isn’t just a hairstyle; it’s a symbol of the wild imagination swirling around in your head. Those random giggles? They’re the soundtrack to a life full of joy and excitement. And that accidental snort? Well, that just shows off your superpower: laughter.

In a world where everyone tries to fit in, your quirks are your rebellion. They’re what make you stand out from the crowd and show that you won’t conform to someone else’s idea of perfection. So forget about trying to fit into some impossible standard.

Your realness is magnetic, attracting collaborators who value authenticity, clients who want genuine connections, and a community who sees past the surface. Your beautifully imperfect self is the secret ingredient that can turn ordinary moments into unforgettable memories.

So next time life throws you a curveball, let your messy bun be your battle helmet, your spontaneous giggles the victory song, and that accidental snort the exclamation mark in your story. Life’s too short to worry about living up to someone else’s idea of perfection – go ahead and embrace your unique masterpiece with all its quirks and flaws.

Here’s to the chaos, the quirks, and the imperfectly perfect journey that is uniquely yours. Cheers to keeping it real!

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