
Tori Fletcher


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4 Things I am Bringing into 2024



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Founder & Lead Designer at Harper Maven Design. Celebrating 14 years as a successful and happy business owner. 




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Embracing Authenticity

This year, I’m all about keeping it real! It’s time to embrace who I truly am and bring that genuine energy into my brand. Authenticity isn’t just a fad; it’s a way of life. So let’s raise a glass to being ourselves and celebrating our individuality! From sharing the behind-the-scenes of my creative process to letting you into the heart and soul of my business journey, authenticity will be the guiding star. This will be a space where real stories, real struggles, and real triumphs take center stage. Here’s to breaking free from the mold and embracing the beauty of imperfection. Cheers to authenticity, the soul of creativity!

Mastering Time

Time is a precious resource, and this year, I’m making every moment count. From efficient project planning to setting realistic deadlines, I’m taking charge of my schedule to ensure that I not only meet but exceed my creative goals. This isn’t just about squeezing more tasks into a day; it’s about creating a rhythm that allows inspiration to flow naturally. As I navigate the intricate dance between deadlines and dreams, I’m committed to fostering an environment where creativity thrives and innovation knows no bounds. 

Showcasing Visual Storytelling 

This year, I’m all about using visuals to tell captivating stories! From stunning photos to eye-catching graphics, I want my brand’s visual identity to stand out. For me, visual storytelling is more than just making things look good; it’s about evoking emotions and connecting with my audience on a deeper level. In a world saturated with content, the power of a compelling visual can’t be overstated. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about forging a connection that transcends words.

Nurturing Courage

2024 is the year of courage! In both personal and professional spheres, obstacles will arise, but I am determined to meet them with unwavering bravery. Courage is not just about overcoming challenges; it’s about using them as fuel to become even stronger. I have come to understand that setbacks and failures are not defeats, but chances for growth and metamorphosis. This year, I am fostering courage by adopting a mindset that embraces change, embraces uncertainty, and embraces the unknown with fearless determination.

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